Paxton10 Server
Paxton10 Server

The Paxton10 Server is the hub for the entire system, providing simple connection to your network with support for remote access.

  • Automatic back-up and flexible system restore in the event of drive failure
  • No software install required, license free
  • Integrated with Windows as standard
  • Cross platform compatibility (PC/Mac/Linux) via Google Chrome and Safari
  • 32GB USB back-up – for added peace of mind
  • No configuration required, simply browse to the weblink on the unit

Combining next generation access control and video management in one system, Paxton10 is a simple, flexible solution suitable for a range of sites.

The new system includes Paxton’s exclusive range of cameras, remote management, free Bluetooth smart credentials and completely license free software.

  • Paxton Product Code: 003-375-EX